• Behavior,  Urinary & Kidney Care

    Bladder Control & Incontinence

    Canine and feline urinary incontinence involves involuntary urine leakage, a condition distinct from purposeful inappropriate urination. In dogs, especially neutered and senior females, it can range from small leaks to full voiding, potentially indicating a UTI. For both species, various products and supplements are available to assist with diagnosis, manage symptoms, and protect home environments from accidents. These include special litters, testing strips, bladder control supplements, and absorbent pads or diapers.

  • Behavior,  Safety

    The Do’s and Do-Not-Do’s of the Dog Park

    A fruitful visit to the dog park requires preparation and vigilance. Ensure your dog is well-exercised, trained, and sociable. Observe park rules, assess the environment without your pet first, and understand your dog's body language to prevent conflicts. Always be attentive, pick up after your dog, and use positive reinforcement. Avoid bringing treats, retractable leashes, and ensure your dog isn't overwhelmed by long stays.

  • Behavior

    The Right and Wrong Ways to Bring Home a New Dog

    You only get one chance to do it right – and if you make this mistake, you can set the stage for a rocky relationship between your current dog and your new one. Dogs are social animals and their social units have hierarchy, so to minimize disruption and unrest, be sure to follow these steps. Adding a dog to your family is an exciting time, but one that must be given careful consideration. As the old saying goes, you only get one chance to make a first impression, and you want to be sure that the introduction goes well. While you may be tempted to throw open your front door…

  • Behavior,  Health & Wellness

    Fireworks & Loud Noises

    Many animals find holidays with loud noises and especially fireworks frightening, and worse. Guardians will often see their pets struggling, either frozen with fear or, in the most dangerous circumstances – bolting, rearing up or charging fences. In situations like these, it’s hard to know how to react or what to do. Especially if you’re a new pet parent, it may not be something you’ve even considered in advance of firework season. We cannot stress enough the importance of making sure your animals have tags that are up to date and secure, microchip information is accurate, and your property is secure as well. Having an airtag accessory on the collar can…

  • Behavior,  Musings

    Open Heart

    Working at The Big Bad Woof has all the challenges of running a small business, but there are times when an interaction with a “customer” is magic. Yesterday was one of those days. I was in the Delivery Office where I live most days, and heard one of our staff saying they could not get a dog to come into the store through the back door. I stepped onto the loading dock and there was the most beautiful Great Pyrenees puppy, in that awkward stage of development where they are skittish of anything new.  I watched as they offered treats, and there would be two steps forward – one step…