• Behavior,  Health & Wellness

    Fireworks & Loud Noises

    Many animals find holidays with loud noises and especially fireworks frightening, and worse. Guardians will often see their pets struggling, either frozen with fear or, in the most dangerous circumstances – bolting, rearing up or charging fences. In situations like these, it’s hard to know how to react or what to do. Especially if you’re a new pet parent, it may not be something you’ve even considered in advance of firework season. We cannot stress enough the importance of making sure your animals have tags that are up to date and secure, microchip information is accurate, and your property is secure as well. Having an airtag accessory on the collar can…

  • Health & Wellness,  Recipes

    Empty the Fridge Ice Treats

    Our friend, Danielle at Farmina Pet Food shared this ice treat recipe with us and she literally empties the fridge to make these for her pups. Start with a mixture of raw goat’s milk or cow kefir and bone broth in a 2:1 ratio, add in fresh berries, banana, oats, and other yummy items from the fridge, lightly stir the mix and put it in an ice mold or ice tray, freeze and you are all ready with healthy pupcicles for your favorite companionI Remember – grapes are deadly to so do not include them in this mix!

  • Musings,  Rescue & Adoption

    Saying Goodbye to YaYa

    We knew it was coming. I thought it would be last year but she just kept chugging along in good health with stiff old bones, cloudy eyes and a great attitude. She still greeted everyone and was quick to give a kiss or be hugged without complaint. The highlight of our days were her greetings in the house, whether she got up or not to say hello. After all, she was between 15 and 16 years we think, a failed foster from the Washington Animal Rescue League. In mid-May she stopped being exuberant about her food, and would only take a few bites. Then on the fourth day she stumbled…

  • Health & Wellness

    Blessed are the Veggies

    While not all families are lucky enough to live near a local farmer’s market, I feel very fortunate that we have one of DC’s longest running markets just 2 blocks from our store and our home. We get to enjoy the benefit of fresh fruits, vegetables, bread, meats, cheeses and eggs year round! On top of that, my partner is an avid urban farmer so we are reaping the benefits of her passion and hard work throughout the year as well. So what does this have to do with animal nutrition? A lot it turns out. Did you know that just adding 20% of fresh food to your dog’s diet…

  • Rescue & Adoption

    Special Needs? Who’s Kidding Who?

    In 2022 we decided to add another feline to the house as a companion for our lovely big male, Greyjoy. Off to our local shelter, the Humane Rescue Alliance we went with the intention of checking out a Maine Coon who was there. While waiting we stopped in the cat room and met Saint, a diminutive Tuxedo cat missing her right rear leg. Very sweet, but not what we were there for, so off we go to the area where very stressed kitties are held. Needless to say, the cat we visited was not going to be a good fit for a canine / feline / human household. . So…

  • Behavior,  Musings

    Open Heart

    Working at The Big Bad Woof has all the challenges of running a small business, but there are times when an interaction with a “customer” is magic. Yesterday was one of those days. I was in the Delivery Office where I live most days, and heard one of our staff saying they could not get a dog to come into the store through the back door. I stepped onto the loading dock and there was the most beautiful Great Pyrenees puppy, in that awkward stage of development where they are skittish of anything new.  I watched as they offered treats, and there would be two steps forward – one step…

  • Health & Wellness

    4 of the Deadliest Foods for Dogs

    STORY AT-A-GLANCE Grapes and raisins always appear on lists of foods that are toxic to dogs, even though these fruits provide health benefits to humans in the form of antioxidants, fiber, vitamins, and the phytonutrient resveratrol. Unfortunately, research shows that just a few grapes can cause kidney damage, neurological problems, and even death in dogs. Until recently, scientists couldn’t identify exactly what caused this toxicity, especially since not every dog who eats grapes or grape products has a reaction. However, a study published in late 2022 in the Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care documents what seems to be a critical connection between grapes and raisins, and tamarinds and cream…

  • Health & Wellness

    Collagen for Your Dog

    Why Is Collagen Important? As you can imagine, a compound that’s so prolific plays several key roles in your pet’s body function. Collagen forms a protective layer around his organs to keep them safe. Collagen supports healthy skin, promotes bone development, and healthy joints for mobility. It’s also key for a healthy coat. In short, bones, joints, and connective tissues require Collagen to keep him healthy.  Your pet produces Collagen on his own. But, as he ages, Collagen production slows down. Plus, exposure to environmental toxins, smoke, or UV rays negatively affects Collagen production, as well. These factors make it even more essential to add Collagen to your dog’s diet. …